Contact Info

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For people I know in-person

Email & Messaging

For Speaking Engagements

To book a speaking engagement with me, please email. I only do gratis events for charities I support; accredited non-profit universities, colleges and schools; and in some cases to help close friends or family members. For everyone else, I will consider only paid speaking engagements. Fees vary depending on the event.

Please read the following before contacting me 

I receive several hundred communications daily: via email, messaging appsphone and social networks in my job and personal life. It is impossible for me to read all my messages, listen to all my voice mails and check all my social networks let alone respond to them. This is not because of time management, prioritization or caring. I receive more messages daily than I can skim, prioritize and manage. This common problem is called information overload.1

I cares about the people in my professional and personal life and I value communication. Please accept my apologies for when I do not respond to you: It has nothing to do with you or the importance of your message. It is due to the information overload problem I face. Other people also face this problem.2

My personal Internet presence (which includes this personal Web site, my presence on social networks, and almost everything that I post online) is not affiliated with my present or past employers nor any other organizations (more…)

I strive to keep my personal and work communications separate. I strongly prefer email instead of receiving unscheduled phone calls for business correspondence.

Here is how you can help:

  • To send me non-critical information (e.g. interesting articles, photos and videos), please share it with me via social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) instead of email.
  • Instead of leaving me a phone voicemail, send me an email or IM.
  • Please send shorter and fewer messages. Consider adopting the 5 Sentences & 5 Minutes Email Policy.
  • Please do not send the same message to both my personal and work email addresses.

Further Reading

  1. There are organizations that exist to help people and organizations impacted by information overload. []
  2. Nathan Zeldes, formerly of Intel has a Web site about information overload. Michael Arrington, the founder of TechCrunch, a blog covering new Internet companies, has written about 2,433 Unread Emails. Professor Donald Knuth, computer scientist and Professor Emeritus at Stanford University stopped using email after 15 years. There was also an article in The New York Times titled Struggling to Evade The E-mail Tsunami. []

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